Friday, February 22, 2008

no end in sight

i'm numb.

i just finished watching a brilliant film called 'no end in sight' about the american occupation of iraq and subsequent insurgency. the film presents a bleak portrait of america's involvement and the current situation based on interviews with soldiers, military leaders, journalists, iraqis, and high-ranking government officials.

the film is difficult to watch. i found myself repeatedly shocked over events and situations that i either had not heard, or had not pieced together. the lack of planning, consultation, communication between our 'leaders' in washington and people on the ground is mind-blowing. the united states had no plans after dismantling saddam. nothing. i've been told these things before, but somehow partnered with the images and sounds of iraq and put together with a compelling narrative; it struck the most powerful chord i've seen so far. there is complete lawlessness in iraq. what has our history taught us? the rise of al sadr mirrors the rise of strong men and fundamentalism throughout history that people gravitate towards when there is no stability or security. the mistakes and incompetence of our government is astounding, and the american public at large couldn't seem to care less.

it's very easy to pretend like the war is not happening. despite our upcoming election, the war in iraq has played a small role compared to 'the election' itself. america is committing some seriously fucked up atrocities and human rights violations as it occupies as iraq. the carelessness can only be explained by the prevailing notion of occupiers and colonists that those we seek to 'save' are less than human, that their lives are worthless, that they couldn't possibly participate in a true democracy, that america is certainly not there for them.

and it will be our generation that will have to live with the repercussions of this war and the blood on our hands. america has been wearing the scarlet letter of violence for so long-- think of how many we've lost to might be a long time before it's gone.

"so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."